
The Right Kind of Trust

Jan 13, 2022, By Legacy Post

Maintaining a positive customer experience must be a priority if we want our customer and business relationships to outlast the current regulatory flux and its subsequent changes.  

Call center customer service and the customer experience have been upended in a way that no business anticipated. As the push to self-service and increased touchpoints gives way to multichannel outreach, outbound strategies continue to evolve and become extremely agile and personalized, owing to hyper-segmentation and customized technology.  

Recently, as regulations have increased in scope, consumer confidence and trust have increased as well. Companies that proactively prioritize compliance for individual customers will find it easier to keep customers and likely see increased satisfaction and loyalty rankings as well. All of this should be great news as the dreaded, classic “robocall” becomes a thing of the past, right?  

Not so fast. A more insidious boogeyman is forcing regulators to take notice. When was the last time you were targeted by a spam text

Spammers are doing more with texts than they ever could with phone or email-- posing as fellow customers, infiltrating marketing campaigns or co-opting language and web domains. Every avenue of communication, even customer initiated, provide increased opportunities for communications compliance violations. If we’re being realistic, every touchpoint contains potential traps and pitfalls for your organization.   

The customer experience is based entirely on trust. Your customer trusts you to promise and then provide the goods and services promised, all the while adhering to local and federal regulations. You trust that the customer will choose your goods and services as presented. Trust can be established instantly, but the most valuable trust is earned over time and evolves into loyalty.  

An intelligent digital outbound strategy not only helps solidify this kind of trust, but also helps from a regulatory standpoint, especially as more regulations are placed on emerging marketing strategies. More stringent proposals to limit digital touchpoints are on the way – are you prepared? How can you make sure your company can stay in contact with the consumer while ensuring that the ever-changing regulatory landscape is respected?  

Outbound solutions which centralize and coordinate all enterprise contact center activities across multiple departments allow companies to quickly adapt to new regulations while still reaching more customers at the right time.  

Alvaria is on the cutting edge of this landscape. Learn more about our innovative, compliant outbound campaign management tools and effective partnerships, making possible the right kind of trust. 

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